And with many names our most common default forms of them are filtered through Greek sources, which among other things often ended names with an S that didn't in their native language (this has also influenced our pronunciations of Jesus and Moses who in Hebrew are Yeshua and Moshe). And among the Egyptian names subject to this are Osiris, Isis and Horus, none of whom end with an S in Egyptian inscriptions.
I've long noticed many names of Egyptian gods happen to look and sound a lot like Hebrew words but usually with very different meanings. Particularly the fact that Ra sounds like a Hebrew word for evil (Strongs number 7451).
I find Set/Seth being known by that name interesting, like there was an attempt to deliberately Corrupt the history of Genesis 4 by giving the name of Seth to someone who committed Cain's sin.
A Hebrew etymology for Toth/Thoth is easy to imagine too, just use two Teths or a Tau and a Teth, and maybe a Vav in between.
The most probable correct form of Isis is Aset or Iset. Not quite identical to any Hebrew name, but makes sense as being related to the names of Ashteroth/Astarte and Ishtar/Easter, the Near East equivalents to Isis. Perhaps Strong numbers 6245 or 6247 are Hebrew word Aset could have come from.
The letters that spell Osiris seem to be, Wsjr, with suggested pronunciations being Asar, Yasar, Aser, Asaru, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Usir, Usire, and Ausare. This website, proposes Oh-SEAR, Ou-SEAR or Oh-SEAR-ee.
The Hebrew spelling that would most likely be used for Wsjr would be Vav-Shin-Yot-Resh. That is basically a form of Seir with a Vav added at the beginning as a Prefix. Vav can be used as a Prefix, the reference to Dan in Ezekiel 27 uses a Vav as a Prefix in the Hebrew.
The connection between Seir and Osiris I've noted before, it's on Wikipedia. But I had originally thought that was an alternate name, now I see that the name Osiris itself may come from Seir.
What Seir means in Hebrew is Goat. Banebdjedet (The Goat of Mendes), the Egyptian Goat-god (sometimes mistakenly called a Ram-god) must have originally been an aspect of Osiris since he's also the father of Horus The Child, and shrines to Osiris and his mythical ancestors exist in his main Temple. And the Book of the Heavenly Cow calls the Goat of Mendes the Ba(Soul) of Osiris.
On the Wkipedia page the suggested Egyptian meaning for Seir is Prince. One Hebrew word for Prince is Sar, which in Hebrew is two letters, S-R, Seir arguably comes from adding a vowel like letter between the two letters that spell Sar
Horus is really Hor or Haru. Which could very likely equate in Hebrew to Hor, Hori, Horite/Horim and Horeb. All place or tribal names in or near Edom.
Seir is a name linked to Edom but it was first the name of a Horite, the people who lived in Edom's land before Esau, who were there at least as early as Genesis 14. While Seir is called a Horite, I think that name comes from his grandson Hori, mentioned in Genesis 36:20.
Hori is the son of Lotan and Lotan the son of Seir. So how did the grandson become a son?
Well Lotan is not used in The Bible besides this name, but it's used in Pagan Canaanite texts of Ugarit as a seven headed Dragon that Baal destroyed, and possibly a form of Yam, Baal's brother. Comparative mythology tends to compare Lotan to both Leviathan/Rahab and Typhon of Greek mythology. We know from Manetho that the Greeks of Egypt often identified Typhon with Set. And some references to Rahab are taken as seeming like references to Egypt.
So how did Seir's son become his brother? It's not uncommon in antiquity including in The Bible for a Son to take as his wife a wife or concubine of his father, but usually not the one who's his mother, to secure succession. It was also often common to call any wife poetically a sister.
Maybe a rumor persisted that Hori was actually fathered by Seir, even though it should have been chronologically clear he was conceived after Seir died. Horus in Egyptian mythology was conceived after Osiris died.
Hori's brother was Hemam, what the Strongs says for entries 1967 and 1968 implied Hemem is related to Aman, which is in turn related to Amon. So perhaps this name is connected to the Egyptian god Amon.
Timna is refereed to as the sister of Lotan. Set also had a Sister-Wife, Nephthys (or Hebet Het, or Nepthet), but it seems like a not very real Marriage, they didn't have any kids, and both are often linked to Homosexuality. I think maybe the assumption that this Timna and the mother of Amalek are the same could be mistaken, and she really lived much earlier. Or perhaps this connection is a factor in why the Hyksos favored the worship of Set.
If Aholibamah is a descendant rather then direct daughter of Anah, then Seir could well have lived long before Esau or even Abraham.
Maybe the Egyptian name for the Moon, Iah or Aah, could come from Ajah/Aiah, which is not a Yah theophoric name but can easily be confused for one, it comes from the Hebrew word for Hawk or Kite or Vulture. The Egyptian moon god, Khonsu's name is spelled with Hieroglyphics that resemble similar kinds of birds.
Only problem is Genesis does not connect the Horites to Egypt, they seem to be Canaanites not Mizriamites. But they are near Israel's border with Egypt, and Egypt had a more diverse population then most realize. And if Velikovsky is right that Canaan is Ta Netjer "God's Land", there is evidence the Egyptians viewed Ta Netjer as their ancestral Home Land. This article discuses how many people groups made up Pre-Dynastic Egypt, and at least one came from Asia, though because of their conventional bias that's not the group they think came from Ta Netjer.
Egypt is called in The Bible the Land of Ham in Psalms 105 and 106, and one of Egypt's names for itself, Khem, is more similar to Ham then Misraim. Maybe all of Ham's sons had connections to Egypt. 1 Chronicles 4:40 when recording Simeon's much later migration to Edomite territory says "for they of Ham had dwelt there of old". Why say Ham and not Canaanites? Maybe this verse specifically means Ham in the sense of Egypt being the Land of Ham?
Seir had many sons according to Genesis 36, perhaps it was mainly descendants of Lotan who came to Egypt, while the others mostly stayed in what would become Edom.
The myths about Osiris-Set-Horus in their most common forms talk as if they are taking place in Egypt. But it's natural that would happen. If Ta Neteru is called the "land of the gods" it must mean the gods lived there.
Horus was the son of Osiris and his successor who defeated Set. That is well known but what isn't as well known is that the Turin Papyrus lists a second Horus reigning at the end of the dynasty of the gods, between the two are Thoth and Maat. Even less well known is that Horus's wife Hathor is depicted in the Dendera Temple as bearing him a son named Ihy who is also called Hor-seme-tawy, or Horus the Younger.
The earliest known ruler of Pre-Dynastic Egypt that archaeology has uncovered is Iry-Hor in Upper Egypt. I think he is Ihy/Horus the Younger.
Going back to the name of Osiris. Another possibility enters my mind, that maybe the prefix part before the Seir could give a meaning that could justify meaning he's a son or descendant of Seir, maybe specifically the Firstborn.
The name in Egyptian mythology for the father of Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys is Geb, which means Earth, but he's male unlike other Earth deities which were goddesses. It could easily comes from an Egyptian translation of them being called sons or daughters of Adam, who's name means Human, Red and Earth. Which makes the coincidence of Set's name even more interesting. Either way it's likely at this point the genealogy becomes purely mythological.
Another Egyptian meaning proposed for Osiris name is "the place of doing or creation", meaning the idea is right there that it is also a place name. Seir was a sacred site in Edom, both for Pagans and Monotheists as it is linked Biblically to Yahuah. Could people of that region have thought it was the site of Adam's creation? The sons of Seir are all called Dukes of the Horites, perhaps Lotan was the Duke of Mount Seir. Ladon, another Lotan figure of Greek mythology coils around an Apple Tree in the Garden of Hesperides, this myth is the reason we came to think of the Forbidden Fruit as an Apple.
Lotan in Hebrew is assumed to mean covering, only place where it's root is used not as a name (Lot is the other name form of the root) is Isaiah 25:7, "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.". Next verse sounds like it's about the end of Revelation 20 going into 21. Basically Isaiah 25:7 could support a desire to affiliate the name of Lotan with Satan and/or the Antichrist, of whom we often view Osiris as a type.
However I also think it could be Tan, a root meaning Dragon, with an L as a prefix. This fits the Lotan of mythology being a Dragon like monster.
The second son of Seir is Shobal, who's name begins with the same letter as Seth.
The Greeks often got things wrong in their identifications, it can be said the more accurate Typhon-Lotan figure of Egyptian mythology is Apep, a coiling Serpent. Who is in fact the enemy of Set in the myths where Set isn't a villain. Adding to that Set's affiliation with Storms and one could see him as very similar to the Canaanite Baal, which identification could be a factor in why the Asiatic Hyksos favored him.
Disagreeing with the Strongs proposed meaning for Shobal, which seems convoluted to me. Perhaps it's a shorting of sorts of Seth-Baal? And Lotan Ben-Seir Duke of the Horites of Mount Seir became the basis for both Osiris and Apep depending on how one viewed Shobal? Osiris is often depicted with Green Skin, usually this is explained as him being a vegetation god, but I don't see the basis for that, maybe it's evidence he was once a Serpent god.
Certain Atlantis themed fringe theorists make a big deal of the idea that the god-kings ruled in a different land. But they're not reliable sources, so it's only because of the verification I talked about above already that I know that claim has some small truth to it. But their claim it's in specifically Manetho I can't find, nor can I find in Manetho the name "Auritean" or "Aulitean".
They want to place the "Land of the gods" to the West so they can make it Atlantis. This website on the subject however admits that Dr. Charleton Coon (who's Racist bias was also for Civilization coming from the West) says Osiris home was sometimes placed to the North rather then West. Daniel 11 defined Ptolemaic Egypt as the South from the perspective of Israel, so it makes sense a Holy Land location like Seir might be viewed as the North from an Egyptian perspective.
The references to the West these people are drawing on is probably Amentu, the Egyptian name for the land of the Dead which also meant the West because they believed it was also where the Sun traveled from west to east during the night.
Many in Revised Chronology date the beginning of the first Dynasty of Egypt to around 2100 BC, I'd long noticed how that happens to corresponds with Ussher's date for the founding of Egypt in 2188 BC. But I'm willing to date the first Dynasty's founding to a little before that.
Still however the Biblical Chronology I support places the time of Genesis 12 in 2322 BC, and 14 I'd say within a few years, a decade tops. So I think Abraham's time in Egypt was probably what Archaeologists now call Pre-Dynastic Egypt.
We should remember that we use Pharaoh how we do largely because of The Bible, or how we perceive The Bible's use of it. Ancient Egyptians didn't use it as a word for King, it was a word for the palace the King lived in. So calling the leader of Egypt "Pharaoh" is equivalent to calling the President of the United States, The White House. Which is pretty common, though we don't strictly mean an individual when we do it.
Basically the use of "Pharaoh" in Genesis 12 (which may have been just Moses editorial decision anyway, the word is only used by the narrative voice not in dialogue), does not contradict it being "Pre-Dynastic". In fact I feel it does not even require a Monarchical form of Government, which could also be interesting to keep in mind reading Prophecies about Egypt that may or may not be about Modern/End Times Egypt (Like Isaiah 19, or Ezekiel 29-32).
Abraham died when Jacob and Esau were 15 in 2222 BC, their birth was in 2237 BC.
Going back to the possibly of Osiris meaning "of Seir". I recently learned that Osiris and Isis show up later in Egyptian History then most realize, in the 5th Dynasty. While Horus and Set were there from the start. It came up on a Wikipedia talk page.
J. Gwyn Griffiths pointed out long ago that there's no certain evidence of Isis and Osiris before the Fifth Dynasty. (There is some ambiguous evidence earlier than that, such as a relief from a shrine of Djoser that may depict the Ennead, which would imply that Isis and Osiris were around by then, but we can't be sure that's what it is.) Based on that and some inconsistencies in the Pyramid Texts' characterization of Osiris and Horus, Griffiths argued that the Horus–Seth rivalry was originally a separate tradition from the murder of Osiris and that the two were conjoined, producing the Osiris myth as we know it, sometime before the PT were written down. Egyptologists today generally seem to agree with this thesis, though it's hard to tell how widespread that acceptance is. Anyway, the impression I get is that during the Old Kingdom, Isis and Osiris emerged from obscurity and were tied in with kingship and the Horus–Seth conflict. By being connected with the king in the afterlife, Osiris became much more important, displacing deities like Anubis to become the premier god of the afterlife by the end of the Old Kingdom.So maybe the Hor of Genesis 36 was originally the basis for both Osiris and Horus, but became split in two later.