Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sixth Dynasty Exodus models tend to be inspired by the so called Jasher

The Book of Jasher I have dedicated a post to discrediting on another blog.

When you see people arguing for a Sixth Dynasty Exodus, they inevitably cite Jasher.

Jasher Chapter 77, says that Melol, the father of the Pharaoh of the Exodus, and thus Pharaoh under whom Moses birth and exile would have happened, reigned 94 years.  Only one Pharaoh comes even close to matching this reign length and that was Pepi II.  Generally the third to last of the 6th Dynasty.

That this Pharaoh had this reign length was not some fact lost to History until modern Egyptology however.  The transcribers of Manetho (though Josephus didn't discus this part of it) refer to Pepi II and give him 94 years.  (Many modern Egyptologists give Pepi a couple years less then that.)  So this information would have been available to the Medieval Jews who wrote the Book of Jasher.

From identifying Melol with Pepi II, comes identifying Adikam with Merenre Namtyemsaf II.  There the reign lengths don't quite match anymore, leaving room to doubt that Jasher just copied Manetho.

Because our transcribers of Manetho have a female as the last ruler of the 6th Dynasty, Nictrotis.  These theories go and identify her with Gedudah of Jasher 76:55.  But nothing in Jasher implies Gedudah was ever queen.  Of course most modern Egyptologists do not anymore think the last Pharaoh of the 6th Dynasty was a female.  But since we don't have that Pharaoh's Mummy I feel we can't even be certain what gender they were assigned at birth.

In-spite of my distaste for Jasher, I have recently developed my own reasons for considering a Sixth Dynasty Exodus.  The impact of the events related to the Exodus probably make it the end of a Kingdom.  And I think Solomon was contemporary with Tuthmosis III at the latest.  Yet I'm growing more and more skeptical of the usual arguments for a longer Hyksos period.

Especially given the potential very late date for the 18th Dynasty I've considered.  And my reasons to want to see Esau as contemporary with Pre-Dynastic Egypt.  The Exodus ending the Old Kingdom seems increasingly attractive.  Esau was born in 2237 BC by my current main model, 49 years before Ussher's date for the founding of Egypt.

However for now this is just a thought I'm throwing out there.  I'm going to need to investigate more.  And the Chronology of Ken Johnson in Early Post Flood History is totally nonsensical.

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